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What Android Apps Do You Use?
Thanks for the contributions and welcomes :)
Perhaps I'll add links to relevant AppBrain pages in the original post -- thanks Deozaan!
Is anyone of you (except Renegade, haha) using an alternative Web Browser? I've tried Dolphin HD once but found it slow compared to the stock browser. I think what I miss most in the stock browser is better tab handling (although I'm obviously not using tabs as extensively as on a PC).
Wow. You all really use all that?
I've abandoned a lot of software because my carrier's network is so bad. It's just too painful to try using networked software. It's more like being in space - 0G instead of 3G. Loading a news article can sometimes take several minutes and is sometimes just futile. I've tried using Google Maps on my phone, and it's simply impossible. I could chart the land myself before a map loaded.
Sometimes network speeds are fast enough if I'm using Wi-Fi, but my ISP is similarly poor.
A friend of mine is a sys admin at Princeton and has used Skype on his phone for video conferencing while driving and said it worked well. I'm envious.
-Renegade (March 24, 2011, 08:04 AM)
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For people like me who hardly ever use the phone to actually make phone calls with it :D without 3G these phones are next to useless.
Is anyone of you (except Renegade, haha) using an alternative Web Browser? I've tried Dolphin HD once but found it slow compared to the stock browser. I think what I miss most in the stock browser is better tab handling (although I'm obviously not using tabs as extensively as on a PC).
-phitsc (March 25, 2011, 01:51 AM)
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Actually, I installed Opera immediately, but had problems viewing pages. The default browser formatted them better for reading. With Opera, text was scrolling off to the side, which made it basically unusable. It might have been just a few sites doing that, but it was enough to drive me back to the default and forget about Opera.
These are some of the apps I use on a regular basis. Except for Teamviewer, they are all available from the Android Market.
* Jorte (free): A calendar app that can work as a front end to Google Calendar and makes it half-way decent.
* Weatherbug Elite ($1.99) 2 bucks changes a so-so weather app into a really great one, with vast amounts of information made easy to access. My favorite feature: continually updated local weather radar as wallpaper.
* RealCalc (free/donation): A calculator that does it all, including conversions.
* Aldiko (free): Excellent ePub and pdf reader. I have several others of each, but find I now use this one almost exclusively.
* Documents to Go Full Version ($14.99): The free version is a good viewer, but the editing capabilities of the full version are well worth the extra 15 bucks.
* Evernote (free or $45/year): I'll eventually have to plop down the 45 bucks, but so far, I've been able to get by with the free version.
* Wifi Analyzer (free): Essential for locating and evalutaing hotspots.
* Locale ($9.99): Worth 10 bucks to know that my ringtone won't ever interrupt a concert, even if I forget to turn it off.
* My Tracks (free): Google app designed for hikers and croos-country runners that works for many other tracking purposes.
* System Panel ($2.99): Everything I want to know about my phone and a good app manager too. The free Lite version is nearly as capable.
* Teamviewer Android app (free - from
I also regularly use some (expensive) reference works, such as Oxford English and French dictionaries, apps for several newspapers and my bank.
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