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What Android Apps Do You Use?
Wow, thanks, that helps the eyes and mind for sure.
I understand, since I have an android, why they come with 16gb or 32gb.
More I guess if you want more.
These Apps don't even take up 5gb on the android.
Plenty of room for saving stuff.
And plenty of cloud apps that can be utilized.
My Installed Android Apps
-cmpm (December 09, 2012, 06:21 PM)
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Are you going to review them all for us? :)
If that's all I had to do, I would.
I will say that I wish I would have started using the Dolphin Browser when I first started with this android business.
Firefox is okay and the built in browser (safari I believe).
And sorry, Google, Chrome kind of sucks. For my use of it.
Although the other gmail related apps work good, imo.
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Powerful collection of electronics tools and reference.A must for any enthusiast
ElectroDroid is a simple and powerful collection of electronics tools and reference
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