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Release: Birthdays (simple birthday tracking app)

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Hm, I must say I like them as they are.

Afraid it's time for a few optional features for those that don't like or need them:

* Age column on or off
* Notes on of off
* Note per name (that's a new one  ;))
* Days left feature on or off
This 'small' project is growing a bit out of hand :P

I hope this will be good enough.    :)
-skwire (March 22, 2011, 06:22 AM)
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Marvellous! Thank you -- it's perfect!

I'm really not liking the Age column being displayed but I don't mind having that info.  How about I just show the highlighted person's age in another section on the statusbar instead?-skwire (March 22, 2011, 12:54 PM)
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That or a tooltip maybe? Display age info, days left, and notes per name (if that's implemented) when hovering over a name.

I have to say I'd rather keep the age displayed (I've used it already today to quickly find out how old two nephews are, and I'm not sure I'd prefer having to click or hover to find that out. I'd rather lose the permanent note display, if the issue is maximising horizontal real-estate.

Maybe the age could be in a different colour, to distinguish it? Or is that not the objection to its display?

I have to say I'd rather keep the age displayed (I've used it already today to quickly find out how old two nephews are, and I'm not sure I'd prefer having to click or hover to find that out. I'd rather lose the permanent note display, if the issue is maximising horizontal real-estate.
-oblivion (March 24, 2011, 07:07 PM)
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Hi Skwire.
nice app. tend to agree with above. having 65 living 1st cousins plus numerous neices and nephews the age column is great.
Any possibility to having the columns be made to stay at last state after closing the app.
Some  of my columns tend to disappear  (year and/or age) after closing and I have to fiddle around to find them to dispay


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