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Trout playlist contextmenu bugs?

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The issue I am addressing is exactly as I have written and not app103's issue ...

I have just noticed what seem to be some Trout playlist contextmenu (CM) bugs.
After I hit the CM key and the playlist CM pop ups,
Some of the &hotkeys in the CM do not seem to work.

For example, if I hit "s" for &Selection, nothing happens.
Then if I "arrow down" to &Selection,
I cannot then "arrow over" to expand to the &Selection subCM items...
I have to use/move the mouse to use &Selection.

"c" for &Clear playlist does not seem to work ...
"l" for & does not seem to work ...
"o" for C&opy path/URL does not seem to work ...-AEN007 (June 08, 2011, 11:59 AM)
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Trout has these contextmenu problems on my XPsp3 PII and my XPsp3 P4.
I suppose this problem might be similar to the problem
of AHK scripts not being able to send Trout hotkeys to Trout
because Trout is written in AHK.-AEN007 (August 05, 2011, 10:29 AM)
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Any helpful/replies insights appreciated ...


I have determined the source of the problem!
Trout has local hotkey "bug".
The hotkeys should only "intercept" keystrokes when the main GUI is active -
not when windows of any kind of the main GUI are "open".

There is also an enter key problem.
Enter/Return starts playback even if not set as a local hotkey.
If I do ALT-SPACE for the #32768 window/GUI menu with &Move/&Size/Max/Min ...
(the &hotkeys do not work if I have a local hotkey set like "M" or "S")
... then choose Move or Size, then hit ENTER to finish the Move/Size,
Trout will start playback ...

I am wondering if in the future there will ever be a Trout release
without these local hotkey problems?

I am wondering if in the future there will ever be a Trout release
without these local hotkey problems?
-AEN007 (January 16, 2012, 04:15 AM)
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No offense, I (otherwise) love Trout - but with these local hotkey bugs,
Trout should not be / (never have been) award-winning ...


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