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Release: Birthdays (simple birthday tracking app)

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Name Birthdays Short Description A simple, straightforward app to help keep track of birthdays.  Use the menu entries or toolbar buttons to add or delete birthdays.  The checkboxes are there to track whether or not you have sent a gift or card to said person for that year. Supported OSes All Windows Website: Link Download Author Jody Holmes - Skwire Empire
Release: Birthdays (simple birthday tracking app)

Very nice, and clever idea with the checkboxes.  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

I wanna be like Granpa Pete and have 2 birthdays a year!  :'( Also, I see the sex-change went well for him. Her.

 ;D you have good eyes.

A little background on this app...  My wife's grandmother has had a cloth version of this magneted to her refrigerator for time immemorial.   :D  It has twelve clear pockets (one for each month) and within each pocket is a paper card with all family children's and grandchildren's names and day handwritten on them.  Each month, she checks it, writes out birthday cards and sends them out.  She's never missed one in the eighteen years I've known her.   :P  My wife asked if I could make a software version of it and what you see is what I came up with.  She uses the checkboxes to mark off who she has sent cards or gifts to for the year.  She also prefers to-the-point apps that aren't complicated with all manner of bells and whistles.  As such, there is no complicated scheduler or anything like that in this app (nor will I add one  :)).

I wanna be like Granpa Pete and have 2 birthdays a year!  :'( Also, I see the sex-change went well for him. Her.
-timns (March 16, 2011, 03:56 PM)
--- End quote ---

Actually, their last name is Peterson, hence, the Grandma and Grandpa Pete.   :P


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