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How to exclude url link shortcuts?

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How can I exclude those shortcuts that are only url's to websites?  I can't figure out a way that excludes them and not other kinds of shortcuts.

There seems to be a plugin callback to resolve the link, which one can code to filter out web address, but that's beyond my league. The second way is to manual exclude ".url" from search with "-.url", or give a very low score to .url extensions so they appear at the bottom through pattern scoring, or -9999 to exclude it. The third way  is to put all your shortcut urls in 1 folder and exclude the folder.

I believe the pattern scoring method should be the simplest.

There seems to be a plugin callback to resolve the link, which one can code to filter out web address, but that's beyond my league. The second way is to manual exclude ".url" from search with "-.url", or give a very low score to .url extensions so they appear at the bottom through pattern scoring, or -9999 to exclude it. The third way  is to put all your shortcut urls in 1 folder and exclude the folder.

I believe the pattern scoring method should be the simplest.
-hanzo (March 14, 2011, 10:44 AM)
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but I can't figure out how to exclude url's.  They don't have "url" in them, just "lnk".

sorry then. that's a first for me. all my internet shortcuts end with .url. Those ending with .lnk are just file/folder shortcuts for me.

edit. oh. i manged to make a internet shortcut with the lnk extension, like "c:\firefox.exe" "". no idea how to filter out these then. sorry.

yeah if there is nothing special about them from their filenames (like .com in filename or .url in extension or something) then you aren't going to be able to tell farr to filter them out en masse.


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