Software > Timns Apps
timns Friendly Password Generator
A Password Generator with some Friendly Features
Run the program directly from this link (links to signed Java Web Start application)
... and it's only 67k!
Application Nametimns Friendly Password GeneratorVersion1.0.1.2Short DescriptionConfigurable Random Password GeneratorSupported OSesAnything that can run JavaWeb PageHereDownload LinkFriendly Password GeneratorVersion History
* Brand NewAuthortimns
This is another random password generator, but with a couple of features which I personally find useful. I hope you guys do too.
* Very random, very mixed, and thus very secure, passwords
* User-definable password length
* User-definable password content (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation)
* Creates as many passwords as you need
Interesting Features
Clarity - the generator tries to find passwords which do not contain any characters which may appear ambiguous. Examples of such characters include (but are not limited to) O & 0, 1 & l, etc.
Memorability - the friendly part of the program has a basic understanding of how we read words. The generator will try to create sequences of letters and numbers that can be read and pronounced similarly to real words, and thus perhaps are more memorable. They could be used as is, or perhaps provide the seed of an idea for you to invent your own super-safe password.
timns Friendly Password Generator
Include & Exclude - you can suggest to the generator that it should avoid, or prefer, any characters you wish. Simply key them into the text boxes.
Include characters may or may not appear in your password, but will crop up more frequently than other characters.
Excluded characters will NOT appear in your password. This is very useful if you find certain password characters confusing, hard to remember or inconvenient on your keyboard layout.
Key words - I believe this is a somewhat unique feature (no doubt someone will tell me I'm wrong here). If you specify a word in this field, the generator will create a unique password according to all the rules, same as usual. But - the password will be reproducible any time you run this program, if you use the same key word and same settings.
You can therefore create passwords which are utterly unique, and not have to remember them or write them down. As long as you can remember your key word, you can always recover your password. It is not stored anywhere, so is totally secure.
For example, you can use this feature when signing up to a new site that requires a login. Simply use the site's name as your key word. You will get a password that is unique to you for that site, which can be recovered any time in the future if you forget it.
In addition, even if by some weird coincidence you happen to use the same key word as another person, you will still get completely different passwords to each other.
Copy and Copy Friendly - the Copy button puts the password into your clipboard ready for use.
Copy Friendly spells out your password so there can be no confusion as to which characters have been used. I personally use this a lot when handing out passwords on our servers.
Here's an example:
--- Code: Text ---\3sj4>dH \ backslash3 number threes lowercase sj lowercase j4 number four> right angle bracketd lowercase dH uppercase H
Planned Features
Profiles may be useful, so that you can generate different types of passwords without fiddling with all the checkboxes and text boxes.
timns Friendly Password Generator
No installation required - the program is launched via Java webstart. Just click the link to run.
Using the Application
Launch, and choose your options. Roll the mouse over each checkbox and button to learn a little more about its function.
Nothing to uninstall.
Known Issues
None that I am aware of.
Looks pretty good timns. does it or can it have the ability to create more than one password at a time? I like the options, such as for memorabilty.
I don't remember any other generators having that but I am sure someone will prove otherwise. :)
Looks good! I currently use this, which has some similar features, but yours looks even better.
- Oshyan
My god you were quick off the mark, techidave!
Yes, no doubt some other SOB has some of these features. But my plagiarism gland is not acting up, since as usual I never bothered to do any research before writing this :Thmbsup:
I can make it create a series of passwords if you would find it handy, no problem.
Key words - I believe this is a somewhat unique feature (no doubt someone will tell me I'm wrong here). If you specify a word in this field, the generator will create a unique password according to all the rules, same as usual. But - the password will be reproducible any time you run this program, if you use the same key word and same settings.
-timns (March 09, 2011, 09:23 PM)
--- End quote ---
That's an interesting feature.
In addition, even if by some weird coincidence you happen to use the same key word as a another person, you will still get completely different passwords to each other.
-timns (March 09, 2011, 09:23 PM)
--- End quote ---
I'm curious about this bit - what's the additional piece of data that factors into the password generation? Would the generated password be different if I ran the program on a different machine or if it was logged on as a different user? If I don't understand what would make the generated password the same/different, I might not be able to recover the password for that Swiss bank account that has the $2 million that I might one day donate to DC...
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