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Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)

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- Tooltip blank line is fixed.
- Statusbar tooltips work properly.
- High temperature is now displayed correctly.
- Bug: main window's titlebar loses date/time when window is restored/shown by clicking the tray icon.
- Bug?: no more minimize button in titlebar.

Sorry for being brief, I'm dead tired, gotta hit the sack. Good luck!

- Bug?: no more minimize button in titlebar.-Drugwash (January 20, 2019, 05:19 PM)
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Eh? Did you enable the "Do not show taskbar button" option or something?

It wasn't the WOEID stuff that was a pain, it was the new OAuth requirements.  OAuth is a damn nightmare.
-skwire (January 20, 2019, 02:29 AM)
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My experiences with OAuth.

In other words, I agree.  Totally.

It wasn't the WOEID stuff that was a pain, it was the new OAuth requirements.  OAuth is a damn nightmare.
-skwire (January 20, 2019, 02:29 AM)
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My experiences with OAuth.

In other words, I agree.  Totally.
-wraith808 (January 20, 2019, 05:45 PM)
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Yeah, it's bloody ridiculous.  It's like it's complicated just for the sake of being complicated.  As for troubleshooting, yeah, right.  Troubleshooting is just trying random shit until 1) it works or 2) you just give up (re: your surrender flag above, haha).

I just did a quick scan of RFC 6749. Having worked with PKE and PKI along with Microsoft's Hash key exchange, OAuth seems to have been developed by a team that seems to be set out to show how smart they are.

For the API call you use in sWeather, I can't see why Yahoo would implement such a challenge / response protocol. I really seems like over kill; unless this now going to be part of the base coding standard.


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