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Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)

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What is wrong with Yahoo???? the weather temperature is always wrong... I live in Dubai, just checked cos i was finding strange what it was giving me.. you can check at the major sites for yourself:
Google weather - 42 degrees
Accuweather -43 degrees
Yahoo - 36 degrees.....
-NunoEspadinha (July 20, 2017, 06:39 AM)
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I gave up on sWeather in the past, because yahoo weather was so inaccurate for my location - FWIW I just tried it again and it's working correctly i.e. yahoo weather is reporting accurately

it's working correctly i.e. yahoo weather is reporting accurately
-tomos (July 20, 2017, 07:19 AM)
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I've been using it nearly since day 1, and the yahoo service has been flakey a lot over time, but the last couple of months the service is quite stable and the forecasts are reasonably accurate.

but the last couple of months the service is quite stable and the forecasts are reasonably accurate.-Ath (July 20, 2017, 12:40 PM)
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Agreed.  Inaccuracies aside, it has been more stable in recent months.

Yeah, don't take me wrong.. i love the program.. it's great.. i am just sad that Yahoo is normally wrong on my area..

Yeah, don't take me wrong.. i love the program.. it's great.. i am just sad that Yahoo is normally wrong on my area.. -NunoEspadinha (July 20, 2017, 04:13 PM)
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No offense taken whatsoever.   :D  I'm sorry the data for your area is incorrect.   :mad:


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