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Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)

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With the Yahoo updates and current sWeather release (1.6.3b1) even the 10 day forecast is working fine now from my work-location. :Thmbsup:

The old API seems to have died completely for my work-location, not even the current weather is shown. :down:

New API seems to work well this morning - in fact for the last day I've been having problems with the old one and only just noticed your message. Hoorah!
-Brothbeard (April 13, 2016, 01:28 AM)
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With the Yahoo updates and current sWeather release (1.6.3b1) even the 10 day forecast is working fine now from my work-location. :Thmbsup:

The old API seems to have died completely for my work-location, not even the current weather is shown. :down:
-Ath (April 13, 2016, 06:17 AM)
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Yep, it looks like Yahoo! have completely killed access to the old API so I've uploaded a new build makes the new API the default.  I'll leave the API option switch in for the time being but will probably take it out in a future release (unless Yahoo! bring back access to the old API -- yeah, right).  That said, the performance of the new API has remained very good for me for the past week or so.

This 1.5.9. build 1 doesn't work correctly on Windows 7. For example : shows - 12 *C --> Feels like +15*C . Also, errors- no choice to choose metric temperature and hPa - instead, shows mie in mBa. I sent you e-mail long 2 weeks ago or so, still no answer.

This 1.5.9. build 1 doesn't work correctly on Windows 7.-kriskret (April 19, 2016, 10:23 AM)
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Please update to the latest (v1.6.5 currently).

I have the latest version of sweather and it has stopped working since a week or so ago.
I no longer get any data and everything is n/a. Also when I try a refresh, sweather more or less
hangs and takes a long time to recover, but still no data. I don't see any error msgs from sweather
either. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?



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