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Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)

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It could be the fact that you're running XP
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I posted that before:
Thanks, now it's working on Win XP again
Except the 5 and 10 days extended forecast does not work-wd9598 (April 06, 2016, 04:06 AM)
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Can you verify that your Windsor WOEID is 4079?
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As I posted before: It does not matter that the EF (Extended Forecast) does not working for me,
I never used it (I only wanted to let You know).

I tested the EF a few times in the past, it was working very well and without any problems on my system before the changes on Yahoo starts and everything had to be updated in sweather.
So it is not a bug in my system.
And I am not willing to switch to an other OS (because I am addicted to XP :-)
Again, it does not matter for me because I never used the EF.
So do not worry, it is fine like it is (for me).



Here it comes:

How I did that?
I played a little bit around with the sweather options:

And I switched from THAT:


I deactivated the metric units.
And the EF is working.

But Canada is a METRIC country and I am a metric guy and without METRIC I will not use sweather at all.
So I turned METRIC back on. Now, the EF is not working for me (and all the other Windows XP metric-guys here in Canada I guess) but as I posted: For me is fine, I do not need the EF at all.

Hopefully, my informations are helpful for fixing a few bugs in the sweather future.


I figured out something more:
It looks like Canada is the ONLY Country (or perhaps one of a few countries) in which metric is not working, I checked out three different countries (and one thing for sure: I will NOT check out more of them :-))




All of the 3 countries are working fine with metric units, except Canada.
Why is it like this?
Because the weather in Canada was never predictable and it never will be :-))

So I do not believe it is a bug in sweather. Metric does not work for one country but for all the others? No that's not a sweather bug, this must have something to do with the source
sweather got his weather data from (I guess).


Based off of what I've seen over the past few days, it seems that Yahoo! have fixed the problems they were having with their new API.  Currently, for me, it's MUCH faster than the older API.  If anybody is up to it, feel free to test out the new API by unchecking the "Use older Yahoo! Weather API" option.  If you do so, I'd appreciate a quick post here with your findings.

New API seems to work well this morning - in fact for the last day I've been having problems with the old one and only just noticed your message. Hoorah!


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