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Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)

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I've just downloaded the latest version in the hope that things would start working again and the .exe file has been gobbled up by Norton Internet Security which complains that it is monitoring my keyboard. Since it's never done this with previous versions, I am puzzled. Is there anything I (or indeed you) can do? I'm running XP SP3.
-Brothbeard (March 31, 2016, 04:59 AM)
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Thank you for taking the time to write.  This is a false positive that comes and goes due to the language my applications are written in (AutoHotkey).  As a test in the past, I've written a single line AHK script and compiled it:

F1:: ExitApp

That's hotkey to exit the application.  Even that won't come up clean on VirusTotal.  I know it's only my word, but I can state that there is no malware in any of my applications.

Years ago, when the AV companies were a lot fewer, I used to contact them about stuff like this.  Things would get fixed but, due to the AV updates, false positives would, inevitably, occur again. I got tired of dealing with it so now I just shrug and trust that my body of work speaks for itself.  I know it sounds terribly apathetic, but fighting it just isn't worth the cycles.  =]  Cheers.

Hi: Windows 10 Pro, version 1.6.1 works for a minute then crashes to null reading.  :huh:

I've resolved the problem by asking Norton to exclude it from its SONAR checks. Thanks for replying though. It works beautifully.

I've resolved the problem by asking Norton to exclude it from its SONAR checks. Thanks for replying though. It works beautifully.-Brothbeard (March 31, 2016, 01:33 PM)
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Good to hear and thank you for the donation.   :Thmbsup:

FWIW, these false positives are usually because of the keyboard hook code AutoHotkey uses for the global shortcuts.  Basically, the A/V engines see this as potential keylogger.  However, in this latest update, I didn't change around any of that code so it probably has to do with compiling sWeather with a later version of AutoHotkey than before.  This usually causes A/V signatures to go apeshit again regarding the keyboard hook thing.

I've noticed that the new version: 1.6.2.Build 1, will randomly act like the previous version did, (get no data) until you manually update it...
Sometimes on Windows load it loads, sometimes not... When Not, all the locations have no data.

Also, at times there will be a 'pregnant pause' from the time you refresh data, until it is seen... Other times it refreshes quite quickly...


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