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In Western societies, how can a man have a hyphenated name? (and why!)

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hmm, not sure what the legal requirements are here (in the UK) but plenty of "posh" people take on a hyphenated surname when they marry. it's all about them showing off their exceptional breeding, i suppose.
-nudone (March 02, 2011, 02:24 AM)
--- End quote ---

More to do with land, which is why the breeding is important. If you've inherited more than you husband, he adds your surname to his own. If you've inherited a lot more, he takes yours and drops his own. At least, that's how it worked in the days when he took all the land too.  :mad:

Here in Ulster we have a tradition of christening a son with his mother's maiden name, or the surname of a closely related family from whom he may have - expectations.  :P  Lots of people called Johnston Thompson or the like.  Back the 19th century there was a landowner by the name of Porter Archdale for that very reason. Then he inherited the Porter estate, and changed his name to Porter Porter!

Oh right. Interesting. Never knew there were rules behind it.

From watching Korean sitcoms I came to the opinion they handle women's family names and marriage in a much simpler more sensible way than in the USA.

Instead of changing her surname every time she gets married, divorced etc. like American women do, Korean women keep their original surnames.  The children are given the surname of the father. No hyphens or chemical formulas required.

Here's a wiki page with way more info than necessary. :)

I just pissed myself laughing reading mwb1100's Python quote. I spent Sunday nights watching that show as a teen.


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