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A Point About Grammar
I'm curious about one thing in the original post - what's the problem with "mass nouns"?
-mwb1100 (March 02, 2011, 05:28 PM)
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It's a matter of proper jargon and using the correct term. It would be like calling a hard drive a "stiff drive".
-Renegade (March 02, 2011, 05:42 PM)
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Not to say this necessarily means it's correct, but I recall "mass noun" being used back when I was in school, many many years ago. And a quick search on Google nets the term being used in linguistics research papers (where correct terminology would be important, I'd think). Could this be a situation where there might be more than on one correct name for a thing? Like "hard drive"/"hard disk" or dirigible/airship.
dirigible? What the hell made that word pop into my head?
This just seems bizarre...
I've read a LOT of books on grammar, and NEVER seen that. They have ALWAYS used "countable" to describe it.
Maybe it's an American English thing or is a newer term. Dunno.
On that topic though, one uncountable noun that has crept into being a countable noun that I find somewhat irritating is "beers". It's like "waters". It contracts "X bottles of beer" or "X glasses of beer" into "beers". It just seems like a sloppy bastardization to me.
the trouble with interpretising grammatical expression is that so much of it is contextual, and what is correct in one context is incorrect in another.
To use Stoic's example 7 chairs are countable or mass, whereas furniture is not. But if you were referring specifically to the chairs you wouldn't say furniture, even though it is potentially correct.
Either way I have heard the news folk screw it up.
-Stoic Joker (March 02, 2011, 05:52 PM)
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And just why is it <pause> that news folk feel <pause> the need to inject <pause> inappropriate pauses <pause> into almost every sentence spoken??? >:(
Either way I have heard the news folk screw it up.
-Stoic Joker (March 02, 2011, 05:52 PM)
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And just why is it <pause> that news folk feel <pause> the need to inject <pause> inappropriate pauses <pause> into almost every sentence spoken??? >:(
-cranioscopical (March 02, 2011, 07:04 PM)
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Their language buffers in their brains are too small, and they can't double buffer, so you get choppy playback. :P
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