Software > Skwire Empire
Problem with Trout Tag Editing Function?
Three times in the last week I have had a SERIOUS problem with Trout's tagger.
After I hit Update, Trout's tagger has OVERWRITTEN the next track in the playlist with a copy of the mp3 being edited! I don't know how to suggest easily replicating this.
I previously had always used TagScanner (portable) to do batch tag editing.
(AudioShell 1.35 - no longer supported? - allows easily editing some tag fields
of single files through any file explorer/manger ...) Anyway, I started using the Trout tag editor because I could see the display in Trout immediately.
I load an m3u playlist.
Goto to the first line. Hit play to bring up the display.
Hit stop and then the context menu button to bring up the lineitem menu.
Choose edit tag. Edit the tag. Hit Update.
Hit play to bring up the edited display.
Choose the hotkey for "next" to display the next item.
Hit stop and then the context menu button to bring up the lineitem menu ...
Three times after I hit Update and then play, playback failed & Trout moved to the next lineitem - and apparently OVERWROTE the next track in the playlist with a copy of the mp3 being edited - not just the tags - the entire mp3!
I have added the following step to the above routine to see if it keeps the Trout tagger from failing & overwriting. After I open the Edit dialogue the first time, I close it and then repopen it ...
I don't know how to suggest easily replicating this fail/overwrite problem but wanted to mention it ...
I don't know how to suggest easily replicating this fail/overwrite problem but wanted to mention it ...-AEN007 (February 21, 2011, 03:16 AM)
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That's rather strange, thanks for reporting it. If you come up with a reproducible sequence, please let me know. As a workaround, you can set a hotkey to the "Rescan selected" action. I have mine set to F5 (local, not global). This way, you can make the changes in your preferred tag editor, switch back to Trout, press your hotkey and all highlighted rows should update immediately.
Thanks! local F5 it will be!
What I thought I implied in my first post was that the only way I can see to try to reproduce the error is to load up an m3u playlist of 30 or 40 mp3s and follow the key sequences I listed ...
if anyone wants to try that out ...
It occurred to me today that I should mention that sometimes instead of hitting x (for play) after hitting update (to refresh the display) I was hitting b (for next). A related note is that hitting next when Trout has been stopped causes Trout to start playing the current track instead of the next track ... I then would hit b again once Trout was playing to move on to the next track ... Same goes for hitting previous when Trout has been stopped - Trout starts playing the current track instead of the previous track ... in case that is of interest to anyone ...
A related note is that hitting next when Trout has been stopped causes Trout to start playing the current track instead of the next track ... I then would hit b again once Trout was playing to move on to the next track ... Same goes for hitting previous when Trout has been stopped - Trout starts playing the current track instead of the previous track-AEN007 (February 22, 2011, 10:42 AM)
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It's by design (I prefer it this way). Some players do it this way...others don't.
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