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How to capture window client area

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Well, on a lot of applications I can't get it to grab just the client area.
I can grab the separate controls like toolbars, listviews etc., and ofcourse the entire window, but not the complete area inside the window-border. AFAICS, that's what LasseT is asking for.

can you guys give an example perhaps? of a program window you want to capture client area of, and what SC can grab and what you want it to grab?

I already had redbox mode enabled.
It works fine if I capture e.g. Notepad. Just the client area.

I'll give you an example when it doesn't work.
I'm using Xming server and Putty to remotely control a device. The UI of the device is shown in a Xming window. This is the window I want to capture, without the Xming part, i.e. only the client area.
I've attached three captures.
The first (Project Options 001) is an object mode capture (ctrl-click). It shows the complete active window.
The second (Project Options 002) is a scrolling window mode capture (ctrl-shift-click). It shows a somewhat broken active window.
The third is a capture I've done with the PicPick Editor program. It succeeds in capturing the client area only.

I tried to insert the images in the text but they didn't show up in the preview so I skipped it. I hope you can see them


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