Software > Skwire Empire
Skwire Empire - Software Launching Pad
This post will serve as a central, forum-based list of my software. You can reach my main website here.
If you have an idea for another free utility, by all means, post it on the Coding Snacks forum!
Album Printer
Build a list of artists and albums in your music collection.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Anuran
A rotating, automatic-prompting personal text log.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Arti (Aspect Ratio Tool for Images)
Small application that lists aspect ratios for images. Exact ratios are listed in addition to a nearest match ratio based on a configurable preset list.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Barbecue
Generate progress bars related to your projects.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Bestimate
Track the accuracy of your goals, predictions or promises.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Birthdays
A simple, straightforward app to help keep track of birthdays.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Boot Snooze
Reboot your computer and make it automatically hibernate/standby.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Chopping List
Split text files out to multiple files based on a custom delimiter.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad ClipTrap
Aggregate text copied to the clipboard.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Comic Book Archive Creator
Quickly create Comic Book Archive files from PDF and image files.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad CovArt Ops
Scan your album folders for missing cover art.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Deletist
Delete files and folders sourced from a text file.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Dimensions 2 Folders
Sort image files into folders based on their dimensions.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Drive Letters Tool
Change the way drive letters are displayed in Windows Explorer and other Windows dialogs.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Drop Zone
Simple drag-n-drop windows to quickly copy or move files.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Earl
Convert .URL files to .LNK files.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad epCheck
Easily track and view TV series data.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad File Bucket
Create a collection of files and then copy them all to new destination.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad File Punter
Use regular expressions to copy/move files into dynamically
generated destination folders.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Files 2 Folder
Shell extension to create a folder & move files into that folder.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Frameless
Borderless, captionless image viewer with commandline
options for display placement.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad IE Proxy Toggle
Tray-based program to quickly switch the Internet Explorer proxy on and off.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad KeyCounter
Keep track of the number of keystrokes you make.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad kLED
Tray icons for num/caps/scroll lock status. Configurable OSD, too.Skwire Empire - Software Launching Pad List Numberer
Quickly number a text listing in various ways.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Looper
Gaplessly loop an audio file.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Lucidity
Sets an image as your wallpaper and then creates a
neat translucent effect on your entire desktop.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Mat
Change mouse acceleration and speed settings from the commandline.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad MPH (Media Player Hotkeys)
Control various media players from one set global hotkeys.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad OMDb Tool
Look up IMDB data using the OMDb API and format the output.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad PDFInfoGUI
Graphical user interface front-end for pdfinfo.exe from the Xpdf package at FooLabs.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Piggy Banks
Track 'fund' accounts where a little money is put away each day.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad PlayTime
Determine total playtime for music and movie files.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Power Scheme Toggler
Easily switch between two power schemes.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad RecursiView
Quickly view all images in a folder structure.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sCheckbook
Simple bank account or check register app.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sChecklist
Simple checklist app.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Sensatronics Tray Tool
Tray-based monitoring tool for Sensatronic temperature sensors (E4 and U16 models).
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad SFV Ninja
SFV (Simple File Verification) application.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad SigcheckGUI
GUI front-end for sigcheck.exe from Sysinternals.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sImgurUploader
Simple commandline application that uploads a single image to Imgur and automatically puts the URL on the clipboard.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Simple Word Gen
Create random word lists.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Size Matters
Easily track lists of files and their sizes.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sLyrics
Lyric app using the ChartLyrics API from the ChartLyrics website.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Snap DB
Simple, flat-file database/list app.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Spews
Wallpaper switcher with a twist.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sPinger
Wallpaper switcher with a twist.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad SpinZip
Compression app with some unique methods.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Splat
Profile-based application launcher.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sPlaylistMaker
Recursively create .m3u playlist files.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Squeaky Mouse
Tiny, tray-based utility allowing you to play WAV files when clicking mouse buttons.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sStockQuote
A simple stock quote application with CSV export.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Steam URL Converter
Convert Steam URL shortcuts to regular Windows shortcuts.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sTray
Tiny, tray-based utility that gives you the option to shutdown, restart, switch user, log off, lock, sleep, or hibernate your computer.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad SubAHK
Subsonic desktop client.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sWavPlayer
Commandline WAV file player.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad sWeather
Tray-based weather app.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Switcheroo
Switch two file's names with a drag & drop GUI.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Tags 2 Folders
Sort audio files into folders based on their tags.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Ten Timer
Simple, multiple timer app.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Text 2 Folders
Create folders based on a simple text file.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad tiffInfoGUI
View information related to tiff image files.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad TIFFsy Turvy
Extract multi-page TIFF files, rotate and export to jpg in one step.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad TrackErr
Quickly find malformed, i.e. DRM, audio tracks in your collection.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Tray Host Checker
Tiny application which periodically pings a configured hostname or IP address and displays a tray icon to show success or failure.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad TrayLang
Small appliation that displays a tray icon indicating the currently selected keyboard layout. Lots of included flag icon themes.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Trout
Music player.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Video 2 MP3
Automatically extract audio from a video file and make an MP3 of it.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Volt
System tray hotkey-driven volume controller.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Wallpaper Welder
Create a wallpaper using a separate image per monitor (for mutlitple monitor setups).
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Waste Not
Keep track of what's in the fridge and their expiration dates.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad WHAT (Window Hotkey Activator Tool)
Assign hotkeys to activate/focus windows.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad Zero Zipper
Clone a folder/file structure as zero-byte and zip them.
Forum linkSkwire Empire - Software Launching Pad
Absolutely marvellous for 2 reasons:
1. I have seen several new (to me) thingies that I'd like to try out
2. I would like to use the same layout for my apps page also, if you're ok with that?
2. I would like to use the same layout for my apps page also, if you're ok with that?-timns (February 14, 2011, 10:22 AM)
--- End quote ---
Sure, it's just a standard table. Want me to PM you a sample?
This would be perfect for everybody who has released software on DC. That EXACT layout, in its OWN forum section - Perhaps even catagorised to the softwares type in a different section.
To sum that up, there would be a special forum section that each member who has posted software, here on DC, would create a topic with thier own title.
Then in a sub-section of that area there would be, as example;
- Gaming
- Tray Apps
- AntiVirus
- Webcam
- Etc
- blah
- blah
Forum moderator would look through each persons list of software and see the category the author has set thier software to, then add it to the required list.
All the above posts should be locked at all times, except for edits by the original author, and comments can go in thier own sections like they already do, instead of clutering up the nice lists :)
Does this have anything to do with the horrendous number of "Moved topic" notifications I received today?
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