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Idea: Maximize all Windows


I tried to find a solution to maximize all windows in Windows 7 but I haven't found one. I know that the win+d key will minimize and restore all windows, but this method doesn't restore windows after a window is clicked upon. Does someone know of an application that can force all windows on the taskbar to a maximized state?

Am I going crazy cause that to me seems like you just want to do the same thing you can do by right clicking the taskbar and clicking "Show Desktop (Which changes to show open windows)"

Correct me if i'm wrong lol

If I have multiple windows and I right click on the task to "Show the desktop", the windows all minimize. You do have the option in the right click menu to "show open windows", but if you were to click any windows that were minimized after clicking "Show the desktop", the ability to "show open windows" will be lost.

I found this that maximizes all windows this but it causes visual distortion to the taskbar.

I tried to find a solution to maximize all windows in Windows 7 but I haven't found one. I know that the win+d key will minimize and restore all windows, but this method doesn't restore windows after a window is clicked upon. Does someone know of an application that can force all windows on the taskbar to a maximized state?
-Smobu (February 12, 2011, 05:36 PM)
--- End quote ---

Hi! I had a similar conundrum recently so I made this little AHK script to work around it. Too stoned to tailor it for your specific needs but it might be a good start-off point for you if you want to try Autohotkey. Try hitting Win+D a couple times and you'll see what the app does. :)

--- ---;;;;;;  Show Desktop reroute into "miniimze all windows" to circumvent Samurize being hidden


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Menu, TRAY, Tip, KeyKey ; this is here in case I feel like showing the tray icon in the future

DesktopIsActive := 0

If (DesktopIsActive == 0)
WinGet, active_id, ID, A
If (active_id == 0)
MsgBox,,,No windows active on system
DesktopIsActive := 1
Send, #m
Else If (DesktopIsActive == 1)
WinRestore, ahk_id %active_id%
DesktopIsActive := 0


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