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IDEA: Block/Unblock all network traffic button (one-click)
^ You are correct. There is a 32 and a 64bit version. Completely forgot about that. -40hz (February 01, 2011, 01:05 PM)
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The 64bit version included is for Intel Itaniums, (ia64), won't work on x64 installations.
-4wd (February 01, 2011, 07:09 PM)
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No wonder I forgot about it! ;D
Has anybody here ever even seen an Itanium-based machine, let alone worked with one?
There are supposedly a couple of hundred thousand deployed systems that use this chip. I've been around for a while as well as been in a few places. I've seen RISC, supercomputers, prototype advanced graphics workstations, SPARC boxes, SGI Indigos, a Cray-3, and even a working Connection Machine.
But so far I haven't seen one IA-64 system out in the wild. :huh:
Where are they? :o
Has anybody here ever even seen an Itanium-based machine, let alone worked with one?
-40hz (February 01, 2011, 08:50 PM)
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I have, both seen and worked with, but it wasn't running Windows but HP-UX. It's rock-steady, and performs quite good, for the tasks it was designed for. Not particularly good in any Windows environment though.
Just for interests sake, a x64 version of devcon can be found here.
They might even go so far as providing the link to the file for you. but the best way would be to have the program's installer offer to download the file and install it for you in case it's not installed yet.-superboyac (February 01, 2011, 05:58 PM)
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I'm going for something a bit easier, AutoIt allows incorporating binaries as a resource into the compiled program - so it will just extract the x86/x64 version out of the compiled program as required.
Probably not exactly kosher regarding distribution license but I'm feeling too old and lazy to be bothered by the more complicated method of grabbing it from MS or the location of the x64 version, (what happens if they change the address?), and installing it.
Also, I have no idea how to write an installer and I *hate* programs that cannot be unzipped and run unless there is a very good reason.
I can't see any reason why this won't run from a flash drive when I've finished, (fingers and toes crossed).
OK, give this a try - it uses devcon to get the status and (dis|en)able the network adapter.
I don't see how it's going to work if you're blocked from (dis|en)abling via the Network Connections Control Panel but who knows, stranger things have happened.
If it doesn't work, then the only option left is to either modify the program to elevate to SYSTEM user or try and run the devcon command elevated and see what happens.
NOTES: You no longer have a choice of toggling ALL connections.
Actual fact it probably works better than NetToggle because the status is more consistantly reported but it does have a LOT less error checking ;)
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