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Choosing a CMS
Well, I'm starting a new website and I am debating changing the CMS I usually use, DotNetNuke.
I've not looked at Joomla in a while, so I'm wondering if it has finally achieved of sane degree of usability. Last I tried, it was about the most obtuse thing I'd ever seen.
Has anyone been using it lately?
Also, WordPress... I've been using it for blogs, but nothing more. How does it stack up for a real website? Has anyone been using it like that? It's been great for blogging... Not sure about making a website from it though.
I'll be using whatever I end up choosing on Windows 2008 R2, with SQL Server 2008 and IIS. Not a LAMP server. Emphasis on not A as in not Apache.
My priorities are:
1. Reliability
2. Ease
3. Extensibility
I'm also concerned about third party modules/plugins/addins and that there's a decent selection of quality stuff. e.g. I'm not interested in "Bob's Joomla NewPort CMS Uber-Awesomeness that's 10000x better than Joomla and has over 3 exciting modules available!"
i.e. I want the site to work for me, and not me to work for the site.
Oh... And I'll need to get a skin too... Something that's super simple.
I've not looked at Joomla in a while, so I'm wondering if it has finally achieved of sane degree of usability. Last I tried, it was about the most obtuse thing I'd ever seen.
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You obviously haven't looked at Drupal yet then -- I strongly recommend you cross it off your list.
I've not looked at Joomla in a while, so I'm wondering if it has finally achieved of sane degree of usability. Last I tried, it was about the most obtuse thing I'd ever seen.
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You obviously haven't looked at Drupal yet then -- I strongly recommend you cross it off your list.
-mouser (January 28, 2011, 02:03 AM)
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I've heard that about Drupal woes, and it's pretty far from my mind. :)
Wordpress can do pretty much everything that you want to do with it. If you're thinking about static website and later wants to add blog to it then it'll be easy to use WP in this case than drupal or joomla.
Movable type (Opensource) is one more CMS with which i'm experimenting and not sure whether to suggest others as of yet. Habari good for blogging but not consistent with regular development and support. Text-pattern is too complex for me to manage stuff. Magnolia- used twice to setup simple sites and it's set it and forget it type of solution. SilverstripeCMS suitable for static sites, not sure if there is any blog add-on to it.
i've had to use CMS Made Simple a few times. after using Joomla!, i found it very easy to use. cmsms uses the Smarty tagging system (if that's the correct way to describe it), which is nice and freindly - no point though if you already know php.
cmsms has been the easiest to customise regarding html/css. essentially, you are just adding your smarty tags into the html you've created before evening thinking about what cms to use. but, again, if you are down with php - you don't need smarty.
if i was going for ready made templates and plugins, then i'd just go for wordpress. having said that, i'm working with wordpress at the moment and i've installed about 20 plugins to get it to the point of providing the same functionality as cmsms. which seems a bit odd now that i think about it as i was thinking that cmsms was quite simple (as its name suggests).
(also currently working on Joomla! and i hate it. because of what mouser has said, i never want to find myself using drupal.)
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