Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Drop target to move files to predefined folders
I once tried out a little program (probably an old Yahoo widget) that created several target icons on my desktop. When a file was drag-dropped onto one of them, it was automatically moved to some designated folder.
Unfortunately it never worked properly on my PC for some reason, and I didn't really like the whole Yahoo widget thing after a short time.
Does anyone fancy having a go at this?
More info if it piques anyone's interest, since I know how I'd like it to work.
Couldn't you just make shortcuts to each folder and drag and drop onto them? (yes I tested this, just now :D)
- Oshyan
timns - have you tried DropIt! ?
Couldn't you just make shortcuts to each folder and drag and drop onto them? (yes I tested this, just now :D)
- Oshyan
-JavaJones (January 25, 2011, 04:45 PM)
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Well I guess that would for a start...
timns - have you tried DropIt! ?
-joiwind (January 25, 2011, 04:52 PM)
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I'm just about to.
Good find! Thanks.
Ok, DropIt is "almost but not quite" -
* I don't want to rely just on an icon to remind me what each profile does. I'll need to be able to label it.
* I'd like to be able to have a choice of destinations pop up when I drop a file.
Like this, only not so damn twee >:(
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