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Checking for available domain name = giving it away?

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For some reason a Steve Jobs quote comes to mind.  Something about there being too many smart people out there? :)

-MilesAhead (January 24, 2011, 02:56 AM)
--- End quote ---

Having too many smart people aound can be a real pain at times

But it's nowhere near the the amount of pain and suffering you get when you're surrounded by too many stupid people. 

How did that bumper sticker used to go? Something like: If you think education is too expensive, try counting the cost of ignorance.

I suspect he was hoping that "There's a sucker born every minute" would accelerate to multiple suckers per second. ;)

^With all due respect, if that's Mr. Jobs attitude, it seems to be working brilliantly for Apple.  ;D

^With all due respect, if that's Mr. Jobs attitude, it seems to be working brilliantly for Apple.  ;D
-40hz (January 25, 2011, 05:25 PM)
--- End quote ---

Nothing succeeds like success.

I've used BlueDomino for years.  Perfect?, nah, but it works for me.

I have just done a test of domains I searched for (and found) about six months ago and all but one I checked are still available.  Does this pass the "squatter" test?

PS - When one is considering quotes pertaining to business and the general consumer populace, one must consider the wisdom of P.T. Barnum and what has also been attributed to him he never said.


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