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Checking for available domain name = giving it away?

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If it's a powered wheelchair you may have to wear a helmet.   :(
-MilesAhead (January 23, 2011, 03:32 PM)
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I won't mind, I'll be glad to be around... :D

I worry about as well, and i'll bet it happens a lot.
I think the only safe thing is to not search for a domain unless you are prepared to buy it on the spot if you want it.

I worry about as well, and i'll bet it happens a lot.
I think the only safe thing is to not search for a domain unless you are prepared to buy it on the spot if you want it.
-mouser (January 23, 2011, 06:18 PM)
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The problem is that squatters and domainers have already scooped up so many domains, that you're stuck trying to find *something* that's not already gone, which is a long process of trial and error.

The .me domains actually have a lot still available. e.g. I was able to snap up, which you couldn't get for $10k in .com.

So, with all your best ideas already gone, so you're stuck with this horrible process of trial and error. You get frustrated and just start sticking in any old domain name that comes to mind... You hum and haw over them, and can't figure out if you really want them or not...

It's not like you have much of a *good* choice. You end up with a ton of domains that aren't exactly what you want, but *could* do... What do you pick? It's tough.

You don't want to buy 20 domains... 1 is enough... Decisions, decisions!

The problem is that squatters and domainers have already scooped up so many domains, that you're stuck trying to find *something* that's not already gone, which is a long process of trial and error
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Same thing tends to be true for company names when you go to register. You think up something cool, then look through the list only to find there's 20 company names that could be confused with your candidate.   :o


The problem is that squatters and domainers have already scooped up so many domains, that you're stuck trying to find *something* that's not already gone, which is a long process of trial and error.
-Renegade (January 23, 2011, 07:49 PM)
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Bummer man!

The other thing adding to this problem is what I suspect is a very large number of people who feel like this guy does:

A domain name costs between 2~3 cups of coffee or so at a local coffee shop. If in doubt, fall off your wallet and just buy it.

I have a bunch of domains that I want to do something with, but no time to do it.

These are some domains that I bought a few years ago for a project that I'd love to get to, but just never seem to be able to find time:


I've had people try to buy some with stupid bids like $100 or something. Really... WTH? Why would I sell for that? The absolute minimum that I'd sell a crappy domain for is most certainly more than $100. Otherwise it's not really worth the time to bother. Good domains... much more. It's not my core business, so it needs to be worth my while to distract me. -Renegade (January 23, 2011, 07:49 PM)
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Apparently "what comes around goes around," huh?  :P  ;)



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