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LastPass - What are your thoughts?
...Momentary heart stoppage here...
-x16wda (October 03, 2013, 05:16 AM)
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Same here! ;D
[...] I increased the iterations (from 42? "Don't Panic" I guess) up to 5000 [...]-x16wda (October 03, 2013, 05:16 AM)
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Interesting. Mine was at 500.
[...] I increased the iterations (from 42? "Don't Panic" I guess) up to 5000 [...]-x16wda (October 03, 2013, 05:16 AM)
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Interesting. Mine was at 500.
-Deozaan (October 04, 2013, 05:34 AM)
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Ye gods. Mine was at 1. Now fixed. Agreed on the "they should communicate this stuff better" point -- and I AM a paid user.
Thanks Iain! Long-time LastPass Premium user and mine was at "1" also... I agree that LP lacks communication.
Thanks again!
Been using LastPass (paid) for 2-3 years now across all of my devices (4x Android, 3x iOS, 3x Windows, 1x OSX, 1x Windows Phone) and I absolutely love it. About a year or so ago I also purchased a YubiKey (and later a YubiKey NEO with NFC support) to better secure my accounts. This setup works great with the exception of the iOS devices, as Apple apparently doesn't give a damn about NFC (it's mostly easy to work around though). For the Android devices and WP I just swipe the YubiKey across the back of the phones/tablet, enter my password and get access to what I need. On Windows/OSX I just plug it into a USB slot and "press" the button on the key when prompted. It appears to the OS as just another keyboard, so there's no installation to think of.
It's simple, secure and convenient. I wish they would give their mobile apps a face-lift (they look a bit outdated and beauty-challenged), but all the functionality I need is there and most importantly, it just works.
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