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LastPass - What are your thoughts?
Thanks all :)
Carol Haynes:
I've had some issues with Firefox not dropping down the menu when I want it occasionally
-x16wda (September 30, 2013, 06:53 PM)
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Not exactly surprising - I marvel at the fact Mozilla have ANY extension writers left given that they seem to break them without warning every three minutes.
+ 1 for LastPass - which I have been using since I started trialling it in June 2011. (FREE version - I don't need the paid version's features, but would be happy pay for it if I did.)
LastPass periodically seems to get improved/updated, and previous peculiar idiosyncratic features tend to get fixed.
I initially started trialling both LastPass and Xmarks. I had stopped using Xmarks because it started duplicating my bookmarks and I had to invest a lot of time in clearing the mess up. However, LastPass later acquired Xmarks, and I gather the two now work pretty seamlessly together.
By the way, if you have been running LastPass for a while, there is an adjustment you might need to make (for potentially improved security) - as per the LastPass account Help: (my emphasis)
LastPass also performs a large number of rounds of PBKDF2 server-side. This implementation of PBKDF2 client-side and server-side ensures that the two pieces of your data - the part that's stored offline locally and the part that's stored online on LastPass servers- are thoroughly protected:
(screen capture image, not copied)
By default, the x number of rounds that LastPass uses is 5000. LastPass allows you to customize the number of rounds performed during the client-side encryption process. If you log in to LastPass, open your LastPass vault from the LastPass Icon, and launch Account Settings, you will see the "Password Iterations" field displaying the current number of rounds used for your account. Although 5000 is currently the default number of rounds, your number may be lower if your account is older.
--- End quote ---
The notes on the account settings page recommend that you tweak up the round to 5000 if your setting is less.
As some kind of comparison, I wouldn't touch NortonIdentitySafe-v1 FREE with a bargepole though. (No trust.)
Carol Haynes:
Thanks IainB - useful tip passed on. I have to say LastPass could do better at letting users (especially paid users) what changes they are making. How often do people sit and scrutinise settings for changes? Since updates are pretty much silent in most cases most people aren't aware of things changing over time.
Thanks Iain. Momentary heart stoppage here when I increased the iterations (from 42? "Don't Panic" I guess) up to 5000 and it re-encrypted everything, then the vault showed up empty... they should have posted a note about needing to log back in afterward... :P
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