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LastPass - What are your thoughts?
As a refugee of the latest roboform drama, I have begun testing LastPass. I wanted to seek the input of the community here at DoCo. I am an avid fan of Roboform but have had to move due to their latest actions against long-time users.
Right now, my only complaints with lastpass are as follows:
A. No offline-only mode (No synchronization). This could be used on closed networks with no access to the "commercial internet".
B. The GUI/Toolbar leaves a bit to be desired but it is usable.
I have made mention of these things at my recent feedback topic at the lastpass forums.
What do you think? Is LastPass a worthy swap for RF?
LastPass is an excellent password manager with very good form filling capabilities. The GUI is awful, as you've observed, but for the most part with LastPass you don't need to interact with the gui -- it eats passwords and spits them out. It also has applications for most mobile/smartphone platforms.
I use Passpack, myself. It is basically the opposite of LastPass in that its form filling is inferior as it's strictly bookmarklet/web based with no native browser helpers. I can't automatically pull your username/password as entered. On the upside, a great deal of attention has been paid to its interface and its workgroup/sharing capabilities are unrivaled. The other up-side to Passpack is that there's an AIR-based app for it that can be used offline. Because it's a standalone air app, you canot use it to film forms automatically but it does give you access to your accounts offline.
In both cases, you have a secure web-based solution that is extremely portable in that you need only the Internet to use them -- no software, no thumb drives. Lastpass is probably a better fit for a roboform refugee, though, as you're no doubt quite accustomed to a browser extension automatically remembering your accounts and filling your forms.
No Lastpass is not a worthy swap because 1. RoboForm 7 has initial attempts to provide log-in to applications like you log-in to DC and 2. A very much improved secure notes feature which goes hand in hand with log-ins. LastPass does not know about applications and has poor note feature. What this means of course depend on what program is used for. RoboForm is a program (eventually system wide), Lastpass a plugin (browser only). The question of what supports which browser the best will probably even out over time. I am not advanced user but read of problems with this browser on this page etc. - they are both supported and will mature, like over and over ;)
Lastpass has the advantage of working in almost all browsers ... including opera.
I personal never found roboform that useful.
I am not the least bit comfortable with any password utility that I don't have complete control over.
So the simple fact LastPass stores anything anywhere but on my local hard drive is an absolute deal breaker for me. If they ever decided to release a version that did not require web access, I'd be much more interested.
And yes, I'd also be willing to pay a reasonable price for it if I decided to use it. ;D
Since LastPass already caches your PWL locally, there is nothing technically preventing it from being a purely disk-based solution. It's simply a business decision not to allow it to work that way... :nono2:
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