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DONE: On Screen Button That Sends Keyboard Commands

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I'm not seeing them both...

-ewemoa (June 19, 2011, 05:55 AM)
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Same here, FWIW

They are both there
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-ewemoa (June 19, 2011, 07:33 AM)
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It's a bit hidden, sorry for any confusion:
DONE: On Screen Button That Sends Keyboard Commands
My original goal was to have it automagically attach the correct extension, but the standard Save As... dialog doesn't seem to do that :(
If a filename is typed without an extension, the .wbuc extension is automatically added.

And apologies for the Dutch screen, I only have a Dutch XP virtual available. :-[

A few bugfixes to WinButtonEdit validate an updated release:

WinButtonEdit (RC7)
Change history since

--- Code: AutoIt ---; 2011-06-19, v0.9.1.0 (RC7); * Changed File/New to do nothing if Cancel was clicked on the Save File dialog; * Improved File Selection (Open/Save) dialogs to include *.wbuc + *.ini and *.* selections and each choice separate (ewemoa/cranioscopical); * Improved File/New and File/Save as to add the filename to the MRU list; ! Fixed Drag&Drop ignored .ini files because of a wrongly placed round brace :( (ewemoa); ! Fixed Save routine for a typo (confitionmode/conditionmode), and it now deletes any removed/obsolete buttons and groupnames during save
Download as usual included with WinButtons, and available from the original release post

Some more minor changes and code optimizations, so another release of:

WinButtonEdit (RC8)
Change history since

--- Code: AutoIt ---; 2011-06-20, v0.9.1.1 (RC8); + Added 'Edit with WinButtonEdit' to 'Set file association for .wbuc' menu; * Changed Associate with WinBut... to Open with Winbut... in 'Set file association for .wbuc' menu; * Changed to set 'Open with WinButtonEdit'/'Edit with WinButtonEdit'/'Open with WinButtons' for Explorer context menu instead of the default 'Open' or 'Edit'; * Improved some minor stuff in code, added some more #regions
Download as usual included with WinButtons, and available from the original release post

This should be the last RC assuming ewemoa or cranioscopical won't find any breaking issues or just plain bugs 8), so please feel free to test WinButtons and WinButtonEdit and report any errors they didn't find, or point me at any mistakes I may have made :-\

Thanks for the continual improvements.

Earlier, your tour de force had me trying to buy one of the iMo Monster 10-inch touch screens. At the time they were out of stock. Then I found a number of comments to the effect that they conflicted with the 'standard' video drivers that some users had. There seemed no way to tell except empirically, in one's own system. Given that there was a 15% (if I recall right) restocking fee, and that the thing had to be shipped from the U.S. to where I live, and the unspecified wait to fulfil orders, and slow response from the manufacturer to questions, that idea faded out. I'll take a look around next time I'm in the States. The last time I was there none of the computer/electronics stores had even heard of the thing.

I'll see if I can defer a final decision by breaking something else in WB ;)


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