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DONE: On Screen Button That Sends Keyboard Commands

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No hurry on this end -- hope your investigation goes well :)

FWIW, using :dropList: (example below), I see the behavior I expected for :dropItem: / :dropItem1:
-ewemoa (June 16, 2011, 04:44 AM)
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I'll have a look later today (at work ATM), but that looks like a buglet of some sort :o
-Ath (June 16, 2011, 05:31 AM)
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And it was a small borders issue ;), would have worked for 1 file if you had dropped 2 or more files on the button.

Clicking on the close button does not appear to have any visible effect.
-ewemoa (June 16, 2011, 04:14 AM)
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I can find no issues with either the Close button or pressing <Esc> with WinButtons having focus. Is there perhaps an extra (older) instance of WinButtons running that's waiting for a condition/hanging/cycling perpetually? (You could check that using Process Explorer or Task manager)

Update will be posted later this evening.

Clicking on the close button does not appear to have any visible effect.
-ewemoa (June 16, 2011, 04:14 AM)
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Ath, FWIW close button doesn't work for me (XP SP3). Escape always works.

Any chance of changing .ini to something different and making WBedit the application to handle that?

Glad to hear that the drop-related thing was nothing major :)

I can find no issues with either the Close button or pressing <Esc> with WinButtons having focus. Is there perhaps an extra (older) instance of WinButtons running that's waiting for a condition/hanging/cycling perpetually? (You could check that using Process Explorer or Task manager)
-Ath (June 16, 2011, 02:18 PM)
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I don't think there was, and I reproduced the issue just now.  I am also running XP SP3.  Similar results to cranioscopical -- pressing the escape key works while clicking on the close button doesn't seem to.

Update will be posted later this evening.

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Sounds good.

BTW, any chance of being able to drop WinButtons config files on WinButtonEdit.exe to have the config file opened up in WBE?  That doesn't seem to work here.

Ath, FWIW close button doesn't work for me (XP SP3). Escape always works.
-cranioscopical (June 16, 2011, 02:44 PM)
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Similar results to cranioscopical -- pressing the escape key works while clicking on the close button doesn't seem to.
-ewemoa (June 16, 2011, 04:22 PM)
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I've already found out it is to do with the Extended Style parameters of the window. Guess Vista/Win7 enforce the minimum required to have a working Close button, while XP doesn't :( Been fighting this before to get rid of a border when having a background color set :-\
I'll hold the update until I find something workable or it gets too late here and keep this as a todo 8)


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