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DONE: On Screen Button That Sends Keyboard Commands

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The idea would be to create all the graphics for the buttons in one large single background image - all carefully arranged, of course, so that the positions matched the transparent buttons above.
-nudone (October 11, 2011, 03:51 PM)
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You're thinking of something like a background prepared from a psd with one 'icons' layer and another layer (or multiple layers) with only the text above that? That locks out multiple-state buttons but that doesn't matter a lot to me. Sometimes I'd like to see 'down' or 'up' but usually it's obvious from context.

What a pain about the delay with your machine! Then there'll be the faffing around getting it set up the way you want it to be. Win7 pretty much forced me to change the way I set up machines and I still find myself going for hotkeys that 'don't do that' anymore.

Thanks for the update, Ath! Any additional 'safety checks' are welcome.

Yes, the idea would to have a psd like that, maybe even with the text on a layer too.

Okay, another related idea and this might be a bit too radicle: could HTML and CSS be used to control the button layout and appearance? This is what win8 metro is using (isn't it), which would make even more sense with winbuttons if the layout was just an HTML page.

Is it possible to make the buttons transparent? The idea would be to create all the graphics for the buttons in one large single background image - all carefully arranged, of course, so that the positions matched the transparent buttons above.
-nudone (October 11, 2011, 03:51 PM)
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I've been experimenting with that a few weeks back, but couldn't see a use-case for that, but this way it sounds plausible ;)
Worries me though if you'd want to move some button(s) to another spot in the grid, you would have to re-do the graphic background (guess it'll be implemented in that way) for that. :-\
Maintaining several smaller images separately sounds easier to me, but I'll see what I can do.

That locks out multiple-state buttons
-cranioscopical (October 11, 2011, 04:35 PM)
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That is another feature I've been thinking about, maybe semi-transparent colors for each state would work, will be in the same test as above I guess :)

Maybe it's just something to consider if you do a rewrite of the program.
-nudone (October 11, 2011, 03:51 PM)
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What I started a month ago has been 'postponed' for now, as I decided it's better not done in Delphi 7. My original, rather ambitious, plan of re-doing it in wpf/c# (back in March/April, geez was it that long ago?) is much more likely to succeed, but it's probably not going to happen before 2012 is on the calendar.

and this might be a bit too radicle
-nudone (October 11, 2011, 04:49 PM)
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Maybe so, but it would need a totally different approach anyway. Maybe something to consider for that re-write 8)

Hmm, it would make button repositioning difficult wouldn't it. It seems that there isn't a perfect solution.

If you can ever manage it, it would be brilliant if you could do drag and drop button arrangements. Maybe that's another HTML, CSS plus JavaScript idea.


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