Software > Finished Programs
DONE: On Screen Button That Sends Keyboard Commands
Very good. Will try as soon as my new pc arrives (hopefully it will work for more than a week unlike the one bought recently).
I'm finding that my entire pc is labouring now that I have several screens attached to it; I've only got 32 bit at the moment and it seems that having two graphics cards, three monitors plus the MIMO are reserving a very large chunk of ram. Almost anything I do forces the hard drives to start thrashing away with the cache.
Almost anything I do forces the hard drives to start thrashing away with the cache.
-nudone (October 08, 2011, 01:18 PM)
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I thought I had system-speed issues after installing the DisplayLink drivers, so I defragged my boot-drive (using MyDefrag with the Systemdisk-daily script), and it has helped quite a bit, but it's still slower starting up then it was before the DisplayLink drivers. Guess there isn't much more we can do about that. I don't have speed-issues after the initial slower start.
I added an Image parameters configuration window to WinButtonEdit.
-Ath (October 08, 2011, 09:37 AM)
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This is good stuff, Ath :Thmbsup:
Next up, mind reading?
I think the next requirement for me will be a bigger touch screen. I can use my file manager by touch on the MIMO, even though it's tiny, so accuracy isn't a problem. Size defeats function, however, in that I need visible labels for the buttons that I use now, unless and until I can come up with enough meaningful button images. For me, 12 point type seems to be comfortable and that eats up screen real estate.
Thank goodness for @LF@ ;D
I added an extra confirmation before starting the DCUHelper program. It also asks to save the current wbuc/ini file if that's not saved since the last change.
A minor update for:
Download available from the release message, linking to my DCMembers pages.
Updates can be downloaded also from the WinButtonEdit File/Check for updates option, using DCUpdater when installed.
Any feedback or feature requests are still welcome, as usual :)
Okay, as I mentioned I probably won't be trying any WinButton stuff until the new pc arrives (which I've now been informed won't even be posted until the 20th) but I have one suggestion to keep you busy; busy pondering if nothing more.
Is it possible to make the buttons transparent? The idea would be to create all the graphics for the buttons in one large single background image - all carefully arranged, of course, so that the positions matched the transparent buttons above. This just strikes me as the quickest way to develop a series of buttons that have icons on them, especially if there are forty or more buttons in the layout.
Maybe it's just something to consider if you do a rewrite of the program.
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