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How do you actually select the logo for the Mug? I searched for Nany, Nany2011, DonationCoder and nothing is showing.

-nharding (January 28, 2011, 12:05 PM)
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From the email:

Visit these pages to choose *one* of these items to buy:

The specific item pages are:
-NinJA999 (January 28, 2011, 03:23 PM)
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I didnt know wether to post those cause they only supposed to be for NANY entrants...
-tomos (January 28, 2011, 03:34 PM)
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Well, they are visible from the DC store ( ), (marked "NANY 2011: For nany 2011 participants only") so I figured it wasn't a huge secret.  But I'll edit my post anyway.

LOL, but they sure look good :D

ell, they are visible from the DC store ( ), (marked "NANY 2011: For nany 2011 participants only")
-NinJA999 (January 28, 2011, 03:38 PM)
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thanks - I didnt realise that, no biggy either way then probably

LOL, but they sure look good :D
-Ath (January 28, 2011, 03:42 PM)
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that's for sure - I was really torn, but ended up getting the mission impossible one

I was really torn, but ended up getting the mission impossible one
-tomos (January 28, 2011, 04:29 PM)
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Yeah, I got that one too.  One of these NANY's I'm going to have to get the yearly one, though.  I love the illustration of Cody sleeping :)

Thank you, mouser,

I finally ordered my mug too!  I was in a quandary about which one to get and the laser tower was quite provoking.  In the end, I chose the "exhausted Cody" because I thought it represented the true NANY participation experience!   


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