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NANY 2011 Release: Ethervane Radio 0.2.4

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Nice radio player!  I have been playing around with it a lot.  I was curious if it is still being developed?  If so I would like to offer a suggestion about AAC streams. 
I have a low bandwidth impairment and usually listen to 40-48k AAC streams because they tend to not stutter every 5 minutes.  My request would be a separation or indication of AAC streams, stream rate would be handy also.  I am sure other people would benefit also from these additions.
Thanks for your consideration and time!

Nice radio player!  I have been playing around with it a lot.  I was curious if it is still being developed?-MrEprize (January 16, 2012, 03:01 PM)
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It absolutely is. It's just that the radio was in many ways a first for me: my first database-backed application, first app that handles internet streams, first app that relies on heavy thread use, first app that's nearly 100% asynchronous, etc. So there's a number of things I did not get right the first time and that need much more work.

If so I would like to offer a suggestion about AAC streams. 
I have a low bandwidth impairment and usually listen to 40-48k AAC streams because they tend to not stutter every 5 minutes.  My request would be a separation or indication of AAC streams, stream rate would be handy also.  I am sure other people would benefit also from these additions.
--- End quote ---

I totally agree. At the moment there is no way to select a particular stream. The app simply tries all available streams in sequence until it finds one that works. This is one of this things that I'll have to address, but I can't say when this will happen.

I've been using Ethervane Radio more and more recently.  ESPECIALLY since it gives me access to a few stations I haven't been able to get on some of the bigger named programs.  I've also noticed the sound quality through my external speakers seems better too.  It at least seems I need to tweak the other programs a little with an EQ plug-in for them to sound as good.   Are you doing anything special to make ER sound better or am just (or not) hearing things??  :tellme:

There are times though I would like to boost the bass a little with ER.  Are there any recommendations of an add on EQ that could work with ER?  I've gone through all of my sound/speaker settings and there isn't anything installed.  This is a Dell laptop with whatever stock sound card came with it.


Hi Tranglos,

I went to both your new and old sites and noticed Ethervane Radio isn't shown on either. Do you have any further updates/features planned? Not being pushy, just wondering?

Also, one of the links in your initial post is 404'ing.
Links copied from your original post:
This one works ok. Brings up a download file dialog.

This one comes back with the 404:

I am running v Is this the current one available?  Latest shown in the 1st post just has 0.2.4 and Feb 28 with no year.

It is working fine except for occasionally not being able to connect to a station that comes up in the search.  Luckily for me most of the ones I like ARE connecting.

Thanks fot the great program.


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