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Recording Screencasts of the NANY 2011 Projects

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ok i'm about to start making screencasts, so if anyone else is willing to make them for their own or others, let me know asap.

Mouser, I can do several for you if that will help.  I can't do all of them, but if you want to split them up, I'm more than willing to help.

I could maybe do a couple.  I'm going to tinker around with Kamahl's NetLauncher so I can make a better icon for it anyway...  Might as well do a screencast.

It appears Softoxi has made a short screencast describing how to use Speed Monitor:

I'm not sure if it's what you would want to put on the screencast page (no audio, 3rd party with logos, etc), but I figured I'd at least mention it.

Done so far by me:

* webcamvideodiary
* bard
* colorwarlock
* DCDisplayV3
* EthervaneRadio
* partial download
* SpeedTracker
* CreateCard
* SpeedMonitor
* TaskDaddy
* Cautomaton
* UpdateVersion
* TreatYourselfNicely
* AskaPic
* JottiQ
And i believe:

* skwire says he will do his own
* timns says he will do his own
* kyrathaba says he will do his own
* quickclick already has videos -
* Renegade will do his


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