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NANY 2011 Release: Partial Download

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NANY 2011 Entry Information
Application Name Partial Download Version 1.0.2 Short Description Downloads first few bytes of a given url. Supported OSes Windows with Command Prompt support Web Page Download Link Click on "Download" on main web page System Requirements
* WinXp or higher with Command Prompt supportVersion History
* 1.0.2, Console mode for background downloadAuthor Anand K Gupta

You see I needed an application to "partial download" a file, specially large movie file, from a given url.

Reason: This is a season of wishing each other and sending some thing to smile big or small. My mail group and individual friends send me sometimes movie file, which contains, say a funny situation of a couple on gift purchase. I do smile after watching it. So far so good. Now the problem is, another of my friend sends me the same movie but in different name and he writes only "Enjoy!". This file happens to be 84MB!! Just imagine my face after downloading on paid connection, I find the same movie, albeit in better and bigger resolution, but same.

So I need to download the first few bytes, say 1MB, of the same and check it in GOM Player. If I have watched it earlier or if it is not of my liking, I will not download it.

I searched and could not find any file down-loader which I can tell to download just 1MB or so of the file. If I cancel a download in middle, the file gets deleted. Forget about using it as background job.

Solution: I made "Partial Download" console application. This is a console application and so requires CMD (Command Prompt) support to run.

Downloads first few bytes of given url. Best for partially downloading a huge movie file and checking it for it worthiness to download full.

Planned Features
Depends on feedback

Unzip zip file in a folder of your choice and run the exe in a console window (command prompt).

Using the Application
"partial download" url [bytes_to_download]
where bytes_to_download defaults to 1.5 MB

"partial download"
"partial download" 1500000

Delete the folder you unzipped the exe in.

Known Issues
Do not have any window/GUI interface

Hey, you know that really is a good idea!  I wish I'd had something like that a couple of years ago, when I was downloading LOTS of movies.

There are still goods movies left to download  :)

Please use latest version 1.1.1 from the web site, as earlier version had bug in not downloading the file at all. My apologies if anyone tried to use the earlier version. Now it displays full information and shows download progress too, so that user can know, it is working.



Updated to 1.2.0

- Changed: Now shows progress '#' after multiple of 10KB download.
- New: Now shows total bytes downloaded, after completion.



Congrats, Partial Download just got a write up at ghacks  :up:


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