Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Park Cursor Aside
Ath, have faith. There is some reason why I could not give more than 10 keystrokes.
-anandcoral (January 18, 2011, 05:12 AM)
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Don't worry, but I was already afraid, when you didn't go past 9, it was something special...
1. Is the 'park relative to window' option working correctly ?
3. Is this option keeps the mouse cursor in the secondary monitor where it was originally, instead of moving to the primary monitor ?-anandcoral (January 18, 2011, 05:12 AM)
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Yup, it solves my dual-monitor request for now.
2. Is this option works perfectly with x-mouse behavior enabled ?-anandcoral (January 18, 2011, 05:12 AM)
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Don't use that, so can't comment on it.
Oh, and Skype hides the cursor when you are typing, so I'll add that to the ignore list when we have that ;)
The cursor is moved to the designated position, though, as expected :up:
yksyks, please give some feedback on PCA 2.0.1 useful in using with X-mouse behavior or not ?
Mouser, please ?
Now I myself am finding the park relative to window, better than relative to screen. You see, now the mouse cursor does not block my view of the document or field, but still is near by, specially on large monitor. Planning to make this as default for next version. But some more feedback on it will be appreciated.
More and more to my own surprise I'm beginning to love this tool. I've even enabled it at startup on my work-computer 8)
After some weeks of use I'm still not fed up with it, as I expected at first :-\
Now I myself am finding the park relative to window, better than relative to screen. You see, now the mouse cursor does not block my view of the document or field, but still is near by, specially on large monitor. Planning to make this as default for next version. But some more feedback on it will be appreciated.
-anandcoral (January 20, 2011, 12:18 AM)
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I'd totally agree with this change, all I need now is the higher count of keystrokes and the black-list/white-list features. Don't rush, I understand you're busy with other stuff, but it would be really nice to have...
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