Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Snap DB
on resizing the SnapDB window, I've gotten three freezes so far-tomos (April 10, 2013, 07:51 AM)
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I can reproduce this by grabbing the right side and shaking the hell out of it but not under normal circumstances. I'm going to guess the issue is in the Anchor() function that I use for positioning and resizing controls.
I wanted to ask you why is the "Edit record" option greyed out when in "Filter" mode?-alexsan01 (March 19, 2013, 12:27 PM)
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Apologies for missing your post, alexsan01. :(
Short answer: Utter laziness. :D Long answer: This might be a bit difficult to explain. Snap DB databases aren't really databases in the relational sense (they're simple flat files). When displaying filtered contents, what you're seeing is a new listview of matching results that have no correlation with the non-filtered view. I haven't sat down and come up with a way to correlate the two. Does that make any sense?
on resizing the SnapDB window, I've gotten three freezes so far-tomos (April 10, 2013, 07:51 AM)
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I can reproduce this by grabbing the right side and shaking the hell out of it but not under normal circumstances. I'm going to guess the issue is in the Anchor() function that I use for positioning and resizing controls.-skwire (April 10, 2013, 10:15 AM)
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tha's true, not sure how it happened the first time, but I could only reproduce it by messing around with it :-[ i.e. it's fine in everyday use
Thank you. Yes it makes sense. I use SnapDB everyday. Just an idea: You could try to add IDs to every record even if they are not displayed on the file and take this ID along with the record when in filter mode so you can know what record to update in the original listview.
This probably needs a new thread/program but I will ask any way. Is there any way Snap DB (or one like it) can have a checklist? I mean I am looking for a simple flat file DB with support for a yes/no field.
This probably needs a new thread/program but I will ask any way. Is there any way Snap DB (or one like it) can have a checklist? I mean I am looking for a simple flat file DB with support for a yes/no field.-rgdot (April 24, 2013, 03:19 PM)
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No, Snap DB does not do this. However, I'm positive there are a myriad of small "to do list" applications that would probably fit your needs. Is that something like what you were after?
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