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NANY 2011 Release: Snap DB

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v1.0.2 - 2010-12-28
    + Last loaded database is automatically loaded after application startup.
    + Snap DB will automatically load an .snp file if both of the following are true:
          1) No config.ini file is present.
          2) There is a .snp file in the same folder as the SnapDB.exe file.
      This allows you to bundle the SnapDB.exe file and a .snp database file
      together for easy viewing.  (Thanks, mouser)

This allows you to bundle the SnapDB.exe file and a .snp database file together for easy viewing.
--- End quote ---


This looks great on a first look skwire!  I don't know how useful this would be but could it also import say a csv or txt file?

I must hurry home to play with it some more  :up:

whoops, may have found a glitch.

I added two columns after the default of 4 columns but there is no option to rename them or even add another new column on either side.  If I add a column to the right of the 4th column, then I get the option to rename it.

Add on:  I also cannot delete these columns

This looks great on a first look skwire!  I don't know how useful this would be but could it also import say a csv or txt file?
-techidave (December 30, 2010, 04:08 PM)
--- End quote ---

Yes, both are easy to do and are on the immediate roadmap.

whoops, may have found a glitch.
I added two columns after the default of 4 columns but there is no option to rename them or even add another new column on either side.  If I add a column to the right of the 4th column, then I get the option to rename it.
Add on:  I also cannot delete these columns
-techidave (December 30, 2010, 04:47 PM)
--- End quote ---

I can't seem to reproduce.  Can you give your exact sequence of right-clicks and such (and the position of your clicks)?


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