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NANY 2011 Release: NANY Excuse Manager (v0.96 as of 12/30/10)

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The OP has been edited to include links to screencasts demonstrating a few program features.  As I've stated in a previous post, I conceived "N.A.N.Y Excuse Manager" in a rather tongue-in-cheek fashion.  I don't expect very many DC members will actually use it.  But it's been a good programming workout for me, and has, in the process, provided me with a foundation upon which I believe I'll be able to build a Play-By-Email game.

Among the new areas I got into in this endeavor, I was able to get my mind around the .NET backgroundWorker object, which can run lengthy processes on a separate thread (so as not to lock-up the UI), while still updating the UI with progress updates.  I also got my hands dirty fooling with a FileSystemWatcher object.  It prevents any non-excuse file from being placed in the Excuses folder.  To be honest, it does this on the basis of filename extension.  It doesn't really scrutinize files at the binary level (although that wouldn't be difficult to code).

Anyway, I've thought of several ways that I should abstract this project's code a bit, so that it could be repurposed in a number of interesting ways.

If anyone thinks they could make use of the code's utility, I can share the code.

It doesn't really scrutinize files at the binary level (although that wouldn't be difficult to code).
--- End quote ---

Regarding my previous post, note the part I made bold and a hyperlink (the part I quote above).  It got to bothering me that my code just checked file extension, rather than checking a file at the binary level to see if it was of the same type as a custom-defined class.

So, I've updated my C# Errata to include a solution.  The entire posting is here.

Go do it the fancy way and use layered windows instead. UpdateLayeredWindow is the epic function you want. It's a pain to use, but you can get really pretty results with it. smiley
--- End quote ---

@worstje:  I wound up rolling-my-own (uncomment the line assigning an image to splash.BackgroundImage; of course, you have to embed an image resource in your application, first):

--- Code: C# ---public Form1() {            InitializeComponent();            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;        }                 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {                        Form splash = new Form();            splash.Size = this.Size;            splash.StartPosition = this.StartPosition; //same as Form1            splash.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;            //splash.BackgroundImage = ExcuseManager.Properties.Resources.kyr_splash;             this.Hide();    //hide our main form...            splash.Show();  //...and show splash screen             System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000);            splash.Dispose(); //leaving Form1 visible                 }

ALL, best wishes for a wonderful New Year!  My family and I will be departing shortly for a New Year's Eve church service.

I've updated the OP considerably today.  The final N.A.N.Y. 2011 release version is v0.96q.  Yeah, I did a lot of revision work on v0.96, probably as much as v0.9 through v0.95 all combined.

Congratulations to all the folks who are submitting New Apps for the New Year!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's submission, and the reviews!  Thanks to Perry for all the time and energy he's spent coordinating things.

such a strange program.. it might be interesting to see if you could put some of this code to use in a more general purpose application :)


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