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Scorecard Research Survey (NSFW) - Ed. Wordpress hacked?

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Looks like this is "legal hacking"...

Got another response from Wordpress:


We truly apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for reporting this to us!

James | Happiness Engineer | and IntenseDebate

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Ahem... In short, Scorecard screwed Wordpress by changing their agreement. You know who does that? Darth Vader. That's who! What total douches...
-Renegade (December 21, 2010, 08:06 PM)
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If I were WordPress I would drop those mothers and warn the entire community away from them.

But then again, I'm not a Happiness Engineer. I'm a Bitter and Twisted Engineer.

comScore is a known spyware company with a number of shady tracking products, among them browser plugins that present a security risk to the user, and scripts to track behaviors of your site visitors, not just across your site but other sites as well, with the data being sold to other companies. They are not new to the world of controversy, they don't always get the user's consent for tracking, and their privacy policy is not known to be too good. They have lobbied the anti-malware companies trying to get a new category of spyware to be recognized, calling it "researchware" in order to get their spyware products whitelisted. The anti-malware companies are not falling for it.

Information Week: Is ComScore Trafficking In Spyware?
SecurityFocus: comScore receives spyware allegations
Computer World: Sears/Kmart spyware scandal (and Falkirk Wheel)
Beta News: Sears found to be using spyware to track visitors
University of Maryland: Google to partner with researchware firm comScore
The Register: How ComScore can track your mouse clicks
ComScore Doesn't Always Get Consent

There are plenty more, but the ones from TechRepublic, Forbes, and the Washington Post won't load for me.

Just do a google search for "comScore spyware" if you want tons more reading material.

The fact that Wordpress would willingly team up with this shady company is disappointing, to say the least.

I checked and the code is gone. Looks like they've gotten rid of it.
-Renegade (December 21, 2010, 09:00 PM)
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Glad to hear that, but keep your eyes on your page code from now on, any way.

Post their screw up to Lorelle. If she screams may be higher powers tell the happy engineers to read and understand notes from 3rd party suppliers, like change of TOS.

Post their screw up to Lorelle. If she screams may be higher powers tell the happy engineers to read and understand notes from 3rd party suppliers, like change of TOS.
-Bamse (December 21, 2010, 09:32 PM)
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I did give her a link to this thread in my original email to her, inviting her input if she knows anything about this issue.

A few related WOT links:

And SiteAdvisor:


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