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we want to enter a small nany web service app, coded in php... any suggestions?

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I'm waiting for some more details about it and can't wait to start as soon as possible
-adi_barb (December 14, 2010, 10:55 AM)
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well, my idea is taking shape thanks to Adi & Co's very hard work :-*

I think it's okay to describe at this stage, the idea is quite simple (the implementation not, I think!):

You upload an image and ask a question about it i.e.
a question and answer site with the questions being related to an image that you upload.

My (very) original idea was for a specific field but we're leaving it wide open (wth with categories and tags) and seeing what happens.
Another aspect of the idea is that a tagged searchable database of images/info would build up over time.

we're working hardly on this project and hope to launch it as soon as possible  :-*

we're working hardly on this project and hope to launch it as soon as possible  :-*
-adi_barb (December 20, 2010, 03:22 PM)
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NANY PLEDGE [almost there] Photo Q&A Site


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