Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
One last thing:
Loading/switching charts were much faster if we could have an entry "Open Custom Chart" right in the Charts main menu. Below or above "Open Temporary" for instance.
Your alphabetical flyouts are well-intended. I can imagine them being very useful for organized folks who maintain a large database of clients/ websites. Me, I juggle 10-12 charts that I mainly use.
Too many to remember what Alt-shortcut goes with what chart, so I click on "Explore Custom Directory" to see what I have, then back again via the hover-flyouts to wait for the letters of the alphabet, only to be reminded that these are not tied to the file names I just googled via "Explore Custom Directory". I'd have to open them one by one and prefix their chart-name (not file name) to see them all at one quick glance under 1_ oder _underscore flyouts.
-ScreenManiac (August 26, 2017, 03:06 AM)
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What about if I create a new option named like Organize Custom Charts which would put them into those sub menus if checked. If not checked it would show them as just a single list that way for those who doesn't want them organized by the first letter can still see the color preview as well...thoughts on that?
What about if I create a new option named like Organize Custom Charts which would put them into those sub menus if checked. If not checked it would show them as just a single list that way for those who doesn't want them organized by the first letter can still see the color preview as well...thoughts on that?
-hamradio (August 26, 2017, 04:34 PM)
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Quoting myself here...but I went ahead and did that while I had some time along with a couple other choices added and such.
The other color choices verify with a website I found in my tests as well.
What about if I create a new option named like Organize Custom Charts which would put them into those sub menus if checked. If not checked it would show them as just a single list that way for those who doesn't want them organized by the first letter can still see the color preview as well...thoughts on that?
-hamradio (August 27, 2017, 04:50 PM)
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Great idea.
The Beta is excellent except for the on-top feature of the ChartBuilder which is probably not implemented yet. Quick editing of a chart works fine including the pre-filled file name upon save and the refresh in the main program. :Thmbsup:
Nice work, ham :up:
Add some new screenshots to this thread maybe?
The Beta is excellent except for the on-top feature of the ChartBuilder which is probably not implemented yet. Quick editing of a chart works fine including the pre-filled file name upon save and the refresh in the main program. :Thmbsup:
-ScreenManiac (August 28, 2017, 11:27 AM)
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Still doing a few things to it as well, that you will also like most likely.
Nice work, ham :up:
Add some new screenshots to this thread maybe?
-mouser (August 28, 2017, 12:24 PM)
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I probably will update them when I release the next version. :)
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