Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
Newer Net-version: Sounds good to me, no objections.
With everything else you said I fully agree. :Thmbsup:
Thank you for being open to suggestions.
-ScreenManiac (August 24, 2017, 10:50 AM)
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Just happy to hear from someone using it that is willing to provide some suggestions as well. :Thmbsup:
BTW...I was thinking at least .NET 4.0 for the .net version. Thoughts?
BTW...I was thinking at least .NET 4.0 for the .net version. Thoughts?
-hamradio (August 24, 2017, 10:19 PM)
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Well, .NET 4.0 is the last one supported on Windows XP, so for the ~3 users still on that platform it would be ideal... :tellme:
Haven't tried Color Warlock on *nix (and haven't scanned this thread if someone already did that), but it could possibly run there using Mono, so you may want to keep the current release available for 'backward compatibility', as not all .NET 4.0 features are ported to Mono (yet).
Well, .NET 4.0 is the last one supported on Windows XP, so for the ~3 users still on that platform it would be ideal... :tellme:
-Ath (August 25, 2017, 12:59 AM)
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That is why I will probably just use .NET 4.0 for the updated version.
Haven't tried Color Warlock on *nix (and haven't scanned this thread if someone already did that), but it could possibly run there using Mono, so you may want to keep the current release available for 'backward compatibility', as not all .NET 4.0 features are ported to Mono (yet).
-Ath (August 25, 2017, 12:59 AM)
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The current release as it is will probably get renamed with net20 appended to it when I release the update to Color Warlock.
ScreenManiac, with some free time today I have managed to get most/if not all of what you requested in, but not uploaded yet. I have also programmed another color format option in which is HSV and in my tests each color I tried was also the same in Paint.NET HSV. You can select those as well from the copy color action mouse buttons too or from the context menu right click option which you can also choose.
A preview screenshot of when right click is set to Use Color Format Selector below...
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
Note: Click to enlarge screenshot.
Also the first build that uses .NET 4.0. :)
Terrific, looks very promising indeed. :-* And much sooner than I had possibly hoped for.
One last thing:
Loading/switching charts were much faster if we could have an entry "Open Custom Chart" right in the Charts main menu. Below or above "Open Temporary" for instance.
Your alphabetical flyouts are well-intended. I can imagine them being very useful for organized folks who maintain a large database of clients/ websites. Me, I juggle 10-12 charts that I mainly use.
Too many to remember what Alt-shortcut goes with what chart, so I click on "Explore Custom Directory" to see what I have, then back again via the hover-flyouts to wait for the letters of the alphabet, only to be reminded that these are not tied to the file names I just googled via "Explore Custom Directory". I'd have to open them one by one and prefix their chart-name (not file name) to see them all at one quick glance under 1_ oder _underscore flyouts.
For users like me, a classical open-dialog would be much faster. Easy enough to spot the right chart at one glance, possibly creating sub-directories if necessary.
Talking subfolders, is there a reason why the Open-dialog of the ChartBuilder jumps to the main folder? Charts you keep there won't show up in the charts flyouts anyway, so why not open the dialog directly into \custom where they live?
Looking forward to the update. Thanks again.
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