Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
I know I can create CCF file but is it easy enough? I did not tested your app too long but I couldn't find a way to colours edit other than creating file in Notepad. It is not nice & easy.
With current state I need to get colours values from somewhere to write them down in such file. The best way would be to use some desktop picker or... other application with palettes handling.
I am not saying to copy Zeta but to provide some clickable editing solution.
Nicely done, ham. :)
Some advanced future feature request ideas to consider:
1. ability to select colors and say: "Add to custom chart.."
2. ability to PRINT a color chart.
3. ability to color pick a color from screen and show the closest NAMED colors in the known charts.
4. ability to filter/search for colors by name or hex in known charts.
"Hey, nice #9F8170"
"Thanks, I just had it stuffed'
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LOL!! And a fitting tribute to the late actor who spoke those words... :)
"Hey, nice #9F8170"
"Thanks, I just had it stuffed'
--- End quote ---
LOL!! And a fitting tribute to the late actor who spoke those words... :)
-kyrathaba (December 18, 2010, 10:19 PM)
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Ah ha! I knew you guys would pick up on that :Thmbsup:
He will be missed...
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