Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
This tool has become fantastic. I <3 you, developer. BTW, "Standard Crayola" was a brilliant touch. :)
Thank you, and I will be releasing an update soon as I put the polishing touches on it. :)
Just released 2.1.0 build 1...
1. Import in the chart builder now contains JASC-PAL and Gimp Palette.
2. Custom text color override for the chart text color in options menu.
3. Optimized some code which should result in faster loading of large chart files.
Great tool. :Thmbsup:
Is there a quick way to edit the currently active palette?
Other than having to open it all over again from the ChartBuilder?
I auto-paste RGB values into standard color dialogs with this tool here:
Maybe Warlock could even perform this auto-typing all by itself?
The way it works = you put the cursor into the RED-field of a standard color diaolg, then trigger the auto-type and it will
1) overwrite the value for the RED-field
2) Tab to Green and replace the GREEN-field
3) Tab to Blue and replace that value
Thank you for this awesome color archiver.
Great tool. :Thmbsup:
Is there a quick way to edit the currently active palette?
Other than having to open it all over again from the ChartBuilder?
I auto-paste RGB values into standard color dialogs with this tool here:
Maybe Warlock could even perform this auto-typing all by itself?
The way it works = you put the cursor into the RED-field of a standard color diaolg, then trigger the auto-type and it will
1) overwrite the value for the RED-field
2) Tab to Green and replace the GREEN-field
3) Tab to Blue and replace that value
Thank you for this awesome color archiver.
-ScreenManiac (August 18, 2017, 03:22 AM)
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Let me look into it when real life slows down some. :)
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