Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
NANY 2011 Release Information
Application Name Color Warlock Version 2.3.6 build 4 Short Description Easy to use color chart tool with built in color charts and also you can build custom charts and use. Supported OSes Should work on Windows XP or greater.Web Page Color Warlock Download Link Color Warlock System Requirements
* System with .NET Framework 4.0.
* A Pointing Device such as a mouse...Version History"2.3.x Version History - Current Version Cycle"
* 2.3.6 build 4 - Current Version
* 2.3.6 build 3
* 2.3.6 build 2
* 2.3.6 build 1
* 2.3.0 build 17
"2.1.x Version History - Last .NET 2.0 version."
* 2.1.0 build 1
"2.0.x Version History"
* 2.0.0 build 11
"2.0.0 BETA Version History"These were only released on the forum topic as beta versions.
* 2.0.0 build 10
* 2.0.0 build 4
* 2.0.0 build 1
"1.5.x Version History"
* 1.5.0 build 10
* 1.5.0 build 1
"1.1.x Version History"
* 1.1.0 build 220
* 1.1.0 build 210
* 1.1.0 build 204
* 1.1.0 build 200
* 1.1.0 build 107
* 1.1.0 build 99
* 1.1.0 build 40
* 1.1.0 build 1
"1.0.x Version History"
* 1.0.1 build 2
* 1.0.1 build 1
* 1.0.0 build 273
* 1.0.0 build 270
* 1.0.0 build 264
* 1.0.0 build 260
* 1.0.0 build 250
* 1.0.0 build 134
* 1.0.0 build 73 - Initial Public Version
Author hamradio
This application will allow you to use color charts in a Color Warlock format that can be loaded into the program and used to copy html hex color codes and other color types to use when coding. You can then share the palettes with your friends or online to anyone. You can use the built in Chart Builder to make the color chart files or by editing the ccf files in a text editor. We recommend the built-in chart builder for easy color entry.
Create your own charts...
Copy HTML Hex Color Codes for using in your html documents or graphic utilities that accept html hex color codes...
The window displayed without the html hex colors shown.
NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
More screenshots can be found on the Color Warlock web page under Additional Screenshots.
Extract to an application folder of its own keeping the zips folder structure.
Using the Application
Find a color click to copy to clipboard for easy pasting in another application that supports html hex colors and/or into your html documents.
Just delete the application folder.
Known Issues
Currently do not know of any.[/list]
Perry Mowbray:
;D This has got to get a prize for the biggest Tease this year???
Updated Information...Initial Download coming soon... :D
I demand the biggest tease award back. Mine is, as of yet, still very secretive. ;)
On-topic: Looks like a nice app. There's tons of colourpickers out there, but everyone has a tiny bit different usecase so the variation is quite welcome imo. :)
Initial Download is up...see first post for download link. :D
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