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The minimalist lifestyle. Anyone here successfully implemented it?
^ +1000 :(
My dream is to be a novelist. Sit at home in my underwear (well, okay, add a bathrobe when family members are home with me) and write books for a living. Trouble is, to make enough as an author to live comfortably, you've got to be quite popular which, in turn, probably requires skills above the level of those I possess.
My dream is to be a novelist. Sit at home in my underwear (well, okay, add a bathrobe when family members are home with me) and write books for a living. Trouble is, to make enough as an author to live comfortably, you've got to be quite popular which, in turn, probably requires skills above the level of those I possess.
-kyrathaba (December 13, 2010, 09:30 AM)
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skills can be learned (or so I'm told!)
I've done both, self-employed and employed by a company.
At the same time at one point.
One problem with being with a company is you have one 'client' who can fire you.
Being self-employed, one usually has multiple clients.
Loose one, gain another.
One problem with self-employed is your services are no longer needed on a large scale.
Killing the business.
Another problem is your tax is higher here in the US for self-employed.
And you are always working for someone in either setup.
skills can be learned (or so I'm told!)
-tomos (December 13, 2010, 09:39 AM)
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this might help: How To Make Money on Ebooks
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