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DDOS Ethics
I gotta go with Stoic Joker here. It's hard to play "fair" with nasty people who really never were playing by the rules. They're *trying* to set the game up so that the other side - we the people - can't reasonably "win". If we play by their rules forever, they'll keep rewriting them until we're essentially units of consumer capital, existing simlpy to continue inflating wealth for an elite ruling class. Sure, this sounds extreme, but it's clearly the end result of where we're headed, if unchecked. And who, pray tell, is going to provide those "checks and balances"? And with what means and methods? Revolution! :D
- Oshyan
+1 for Stoic Joker. Nicely put. I like the Boston Tea Party allusion.
An interesting development here:
Renegade: that is very, very interesting - definitely the way to go rather than the DDoS attacks.
Unfortunately, I don't have much faith in Anonymous - they're a drooling mob who are... intelligent... enough to run a DDoS_attack_launcher.exe, but something like this? :-\
I'm seriously hating the slanted, biased, crappy journalism covering this.
It is mind-boggling. Why would anyone allow an unknown party access to his/her machine to commit such a crime? The advice to all is that no matter what your views are, do not allow your computer to be used in a cyber war you will have no control over.
--- End quote ---
Ummm... Because... Meh... I can't be bothered. Anyone stupid enough not to understand the motivation and to report news in such a horridly slanted fashion is simply not capable of understanding why.
In case anyone wants to check out the IRC chat, look here:
LOIC is on github. HOIC is here:
Not too sure about HOIC. It includes source though.
More info here:
Op_Payback Twitter channel:!/Op_Payback -- Looks like it's TPB inspired.
Anonymous Wikipedia entry:
Anyways, that's enough info for people to get started and find out what's actually happening.
@F0dder -- yes -- they are somewhat immature and it is abrasive... That approach seems much better. The key to this all is to flood information out there for people to quickly digest. Make the information accessible. That really is the best way to get the message through. I hope it works.
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