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Jeans pocket - the square-ish one on the right
I thought that was a knife pocket for a pocket knife. The only thing I have ever put in there was a mini Swiss Army knife, which one should never leave home without.
An interesting feature of the pocket is that on a pair of Levis the pocket is semi-circular - it curves from the mid-line toward the outside of the pocket making it perfectly shaped for a 16 line pocket watch.
a mini Swiss Army knife, which one should never leave home without.-app103 (November 26, 2010, 05:48 PM)
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Unless you're going to a "secure" government building or a commercial airline flight.
I had a Swiss Army Knife on my keychain but took it off after doing the above too many times.
a mini Swiss Army knife, which one should never leave home without.-app103 (November 26, 2010, 05:48 PM)
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Unless you're going to a "secure" government building or a commercial airline flight.
I had a Swiss Army Knife on my keychain but took it off after doing the above too many times.
-Deozaan (November 27, 2010, 02:41 AM)
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I have never had a problem with mine, and even used it on the last flight I took, to cut embroidery thread for the sewing project I took with me.
The mini one's scissors are well under the 4 inch blade length allowed.
Of course I did toss it in the clear plastic bag containing the kit, in my purse, rather than keeping it in my pocket or on my keychain. That might be why I was allowed to keep it with me. ;)
Stoic Joker:
The mini one's scissors are well under the 4 inch blade length allowed.-app103 (November 27, 2010, 09:04 AM)
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Box cutters have a 1 inch blade and they're not allowed. It's probably safest to leave that in the suitcase especially if it has any sentimental value.
Of course I did toss it in the clear plastic bag containing the kit, in my purse, rather than keeping it in my pocket or on my keychain. That might be why I was allowed to keep it with me.
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(I'm betting "they" just missed it, but...) This reminds me of an interesting experience I had first hand. During a service call at the local court house, I had to take my laptop/tool bag through security (oh joy). Now historically having no luck with these things, I'd already strip-searched myself in the parking lot to be sure I wasn't carrying anything eyebrow raising...
I empty my pockets in the tray, included in the pile are keys, wallet, pen, & a Leatherman pocket tool. As would be expected the "guard" had issues with the tool because of its 2 inch blade - screw the laptop case burgeoning with much larger and potentially more dangerous metal objects (tools...) ... One-track here just found his-self a genuine bladed "weapon".
***k me...
So I explain (to Rosco P. Coltrane) that the tool is part of the job that I am here to perform. ...Which results in a 10min step out of line to initiate a thought process... - Stoicism really pays off here because the last thing you want at this point is any of what you're really thinking to cross your facial expression or this is going to be a really long-er day...
Finally a "decision" is made. He places the Leatherman in my tool-bag for "safety reasons" and sends me on my way. ...And what exactly did this actually accomplish? Nothing.
Point being, these days it's better to be (bored) safe than strip-searched by a team of bored "professionals" doing a thankless job on a power trip.
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