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Jeans pocket - the square-ish one on the right
For those of us with an atrophied vestigial third arm: what you do is jam the thumb into that little pocket.
This saves the arm waving about wildly and hitting you in the face when running to catch the last bus.
Does nobody here realize that this is the emergency-ration holder for a thinly sliced portion cut from a miniature battenberg cake?
A who-what from a where-when? :tellme:
Actually, it fits my watch pocket just fine:
@40Hz - Thumb drive pocket is a great idea!
Also, check out this timeline of benefits that happen when you quit (benefits start within 20 minutes!!)
@tomos - The chain of a vest pocket watch usually had a small metal "t-bar" fob on the end similar to a cufflink that would fit in one of the vest button holes.
@cranioscopical - Concerning cake, I know no such thing as an emergency ration. One eats all one has been given or one suffers the consequences.
@steeladept -
Thanks. I guess I was too lazy to Wiki it :-\
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