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Freezing BIOS even - any ideas why?
Carol Haynes:
Got a client with a computer that freezes - even to the point of not allowing a forced switch off by holding the power button.
No errors showing in windows - it doesn't reboot ... black screen and everything dead but still with power LED on. You have switch off and on at the wall to reboot.
At first I thought it might be a windows XP standby issue but I have disabled standby and now the computer doesn't seem to crash once the system is up and running but after a switch on from cold if freezes during windows boot.
I have updated drivers (including graphics) and checked all error logs. I have also downloaded the Fujitsu diagnostics tool but that says everything is working fine. BIOS is at the final revision. I also did a check for any malware but couldn't find any.
I am a bit stumped - anyone got any ideas?
My thought is a chip on the point of dying but works when it has a chance to warm a little but would value some help.
Stoic Joker:
So a (warm) reboot does fine, but a cold boot tends to lockup? Main difference between them is the memory count/hardware check isn't done on the warm boot (iirc). <- Just thinking out loud here)
(No 4 sec power button shutdown) It's a definitely hardware level lockup, have you done a memory test?
Either that or a brown-out/power (PSU) issue, as those never leave anything in the logs about why/what happened.
Did you try replacing the mobo's battery?
Carol Haynes:
Thanks - yes I did change the mobo battery and reset the BIOS to safe details.
I did run memory tests and got no errors.
Need to check the PSU - but it is strange that it runs well once everything is going.
Stoic Joker:
Starting amperage spike from everything starting from zero at once?
Unplug (or move to alternate rail) a few nonessentials and see if the behavior changes.
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